Category: Techniques
Fluorescence Images: Merging and optimising
If you are using fluorescence microscopy you may need to merge images taken with different filter sets - for example DAPI to pick out nuclei together with fluorescent staining with or or more specific antibodies. Commonly you will want to merge these images into a composite. Image optimisation and merging can be achieved easily using the free Fiji package with
Improving photomicrographs
Photomicrographs looking a bit muddy? I have made some notes on a simple way to improve
Teeny fonts in Word’s revisions balloons?
Every now and again I find documents where the revisions balloons are unreadable because the font is wrong. This can be fixed.
Why I use Sans-serif fonts like Arial in my PPT files.
A lot of people use fonts like times new roman in their presentations. Times and similar fonts are great for blocks of text on a book page, but there are issues in presentations where you have small amounts of text and want maximum legibility... -
Make a customised default Powerpoint template
The default powerpoint template almost certainly is not what you want to use. But it is easy to make a new default template to suit your needs. Here is
Powerpoint tips: Combining shapes
Ever wish you could make your own "auto shapes" - want something different like a coloured square with a circular cutout that shows things in layers behind... Powerpoint includes this capacity but Micro$oft hides it from you. I'll show you how to activate this function and use it.
Focus stacking for photomicroscopy
Focus stacks are a simple way to get sharp photos when your microscope section is not flat. Compare the left thumbnail with out of focus parts with the right, which is sharp all over
Tips: Numbered Lists in Word
One of my pet irritations is making a numbered list and discovering that the numbers seem to arbitrarily change font.There is an Easy Solution: ...
Converting photos to powerpoint with lines and shading
If you want to create drawings like the one to the right using a program you already know how to use, this tutorial may help you. Powerpoint is not ideal for this sort of drawing, but it is easier than Inkscape (free) or Adobe Illustrator (very expensive), since you already know how to drive powerpoint. No new user interface to learn, just a few tricks and tweaks to get the head around.
This tutorial will take you through the key steps in generating this illustration of a newborn wallaby attached to a teat in the pouch. I will show how to generate the base by tracing the outlines from a photo, and then how to embellish this with fills and shading to get a reasonably 3-D appearance.
Opening old PPT files
Whilst newer Powerpoints refuse to open some of the older powerpoint formats, there are ways to convert the old files to newer formats.
Number of posts found: 21