Category: Publications

  1. Loading sets of images into powerpoint slides

    Sometimes one may want to generate a PowerPoint slide with a set of images - for example a set of micrograph images to discuss with your colleagues (or a lovely set of your holiday photos to make your friends jealous). You can do this by manually adding each image, one by one, then resizing, repositioning, formatting .... , but there is a much quicker way. Here is a guide to automating the process.

  2. Fluorescence Images: Merging and optimising

    If you are using fluorescence microscopy you may need to merge images taken with different filter sets - for example DAPI to pick out nuclei together with fluorescent staining with or or more specific antibodies. Commonly you will want to merge these images into a composite. Image optimisation and merging can be achieved easily using the free Fiji package with ImageJ.

  3. Uterine flushing proteome of the tammar wallaby

    Paper just accepted in Reproduction: Uterine flushing proteome of the tammar wallaby after reactivation from diapause by Cynthia Martin, Chin-Seng Ang, David Gardner, Marilyn Renfree and Geoff Shaw.

  4. New Publication: Uterine morphology …

    A recently published paper reports a collaboration between our Laboratory, past PhD student Cyrma Hearn, and Melanie Laird at the University of Sydney Laird-2016-Uterine morphology during diapause and early pregnancy in the tammar wallaby-JAnat_Page_01-600

  5. NEW PAPER: Rewinding the process of mammalian extinction.

    Marilyn, together with a group of other concerned scientists, outline a roadmap to self-sustaining populations of endangered species.

  6. Improving photomicrographs

    Photomicrographs looking a bit muddy? I have made some notes on a simple way to improve things.

  7. Effects of nutritional manipulation on body composition in the developing marsupial, Macropus eugenii


    Hot off the press

  8. New Publication with associated Journal Cover Page


    Another publication has been distinguished by use of our cover page design.
    Frankenberg SR, de Barros FRO, Rossant J and Renfree MB (2016) The mammalian blastocyst. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology.

  9. Paper accepted: FOXA1 and SOX9 expression in the developing wallaby reproductive system

    We provide evidence that FOXA1 and SOX9 are required to sustain prostate differentiation, development and proliferation in tammars after androgen levels fall during sexual differentiation

  10. NEW paper, just released: MHC genes in marsupials

    THis study clarifies how marsupial fetuses escape immune rejection by its mother's immune system

Number of posts found: 21